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13'310 Datensätze gefunden

  • Data from: Does one model fit all? patterns of beech mortality in natural forests of three European regions

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The datasets comprise nearly 19’000 trees of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) from unmanaged forests in Switzerland, Germany / Lower Saxony and Ukraine. Tree death was...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 17. November 2023

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  • Fetzer_Khibiny_Treeline_NPcycling

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Data on soil nutrients and charcteristics, tree and understory biomass, foliage nutrients, mineralogy, soil temperature and moisture along an elevation gradient from boreal forest...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 24. Januar 2024

    • XLS
  • Automatic Classification of Avalanches

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset contains the classification and localization results obtained during the automatic classification of avalanches during the winter season 2017.

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. November 2019

  • Biogas aus Hofdünger in der Schweiz

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Ziel dieses Whitepapers ist es, Entscheidungsträgern, Verwaltungen und Stakeholdern die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse zur Verfügung zu stellen, um die optimale Nutzung von...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 7. Januar 2022

    • PDF
  • Capillary rise rise experiments in snow using neutron radiography

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset consists of data related to capillary rise experiments performed with neutron radiography. There are 4 videos of capillary rise experiments as well as the files used...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. Januar 2025

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  • Calibration data for empirical mortality models of 18 European tree species

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The dataset comprises > 90 000 records from inventories in 54 strict forest reserves in...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Dezember 2019

    • CSV
  • Novaggio, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research Programme (LWF), from 1996 onwards

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here comprises...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2. Dezember 2019

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  • Hydro-meteorological simulations for the period 1981-2018 for Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The dataset provides simulated 1) precipitation, 2) discharge, 3) soil moisture, and 4) low-flow simulations for 307 medium-sized catchments in Switzerland for the period...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. November 2019

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  • Plant species list from 1775 and 2020 for Uetliberg Zürich

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The list gives the clearly identifiable plant species from Schinz (1775). Die Reise auf den Uetliberg. Verlag des Waysenhauses, Zürich). Several species given in Schinz (1775) are...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 9. Januar 2024

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  • Larval food composition of four wild bee species in five European cities

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Urbanization poses threats and opportunities for the biodiversity of wild bees. A main gap relates to the food preferences of wild bees in urban ecosystems, which usually harbour...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16. Juli 2024

    • CSV
  • Vertebrate and plant taxa recovered from 10 catchments in Vaud using an eDNA-metabarcoding approach

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset contains the results of a five-day field excursion which the extent to which eDNA sampling can capture the diversity of a region with highly heterogeneous habitat...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. September 2023

  • Radiosondes

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Radiosondes (Windsond, Sparv Embedded AB) were started in Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.853594, LAT: 46.835577) to report height profiles of pressure, relative humidity and temperature at...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 10. Juni 2020

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  • Multi-resolution CLM5 simulations across Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset contains Community Land Model 5 (CLM5) simulation output over the spatial extent of Switzerland at different resolutions and based on a range of input datasets. It...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 16. Juli 2024

    • ZIP
  • WFJ2: Snow measurements from the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset provides HS, TSS and TS50, TS100, TS150 at the station WFJ2 situated on the Weisfluhjoch research site (2536 m asl). It has been created from merging ENET and IMIS...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 30. Mai 2024

  • Environmental layers for SDM simulations (GDPlants)

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The dataset contains seven environmental layers (average annual temperature, aridity [annual precipitation divided by annual potential evapotranspiration], frost change frequency,...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. September 2023

    • TIFF
  • Stable water isotopes in precipitation and streamflow at Plynlimon, Wales, UK

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The data base contains timeseries of stable water isotopes in precipitation and streamflow at Plynlimon, Wales, UK. One data set contains weekly stable water isotope data from the...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. Mai 2020

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  • Nationalpark, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research Programme (LWF), from 1997 onwards

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here comprises...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Dezember 2019

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  • Data set on snow instability

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    These data on snow instability include three data subsets that were analyzed and the results published by Reuter and Schweizer (2018) who suggest a novel framework on how to...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 2. Februar 2020

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  • Preprocessing Antarctic Weather Station (AWS) data in python

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    There are many sources providing atmospheric weather station data for the Antarctic continent. However, variable naming, timestamps and data types are highly variable between the...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 12. August 2022

  • Synchrony between spongy moth hatching and leaf phenology of temperate trees

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The files correspond to the data and R-script used for the analyses of the following paper "Feasting on the ordinary or starving for the exceptional: phenological synchrony between...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 11. Juli 2023

    • ZIP