The FSO is Switzerland's national competence centre for official statistics. It produces and publishes statistical information on the status and development of the population, economy, society, education, research, territory and the environment. This information is used for opinion building among the population and for the planning and management of key policy areas. They make an important contribution to a modern, democratic state.

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30 datasets found

  • Umzugsquote der ständigen Wohnbevölkerung nach Kanton

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • register-based-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • table
    • construction-and-housing
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • moving-statistics
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Gebäudekategorie und Anzahl Wohnungen im Gebäude

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • register-based-surveys
    • moving-statistics
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • construction-and-housing
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Nationalität und Distanz des Umzugs

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • construction-and-housing
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Bauperiode der Gebäude

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • table
    • register-based-surveys
    • moving-statistics
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • construction-and-housing
    • population-and-households-statistics
  • Umzugsquote der ständigen Wohnbevölkerung nach Stadt

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Flächenklasse und Differenz der Wohnungsflächen

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-surveys
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
    • moving-statistics
  • Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • table
    • moving-statistics
    • man
    • construction-and-housing
    • woman
    • gender
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Wegzugs- und Zuzugskanton

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • construction-and-housing
    • moving-statistics
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Gemeindetyp

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • register-based-surveys
    • moving-statistics
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • construction-and-housing
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • table
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Altersklasse und Differenz der Anzahl Zimmer

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • construction-and-housing
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
  • Umzugsquote der ständigen Wohnbevölkerung nach Gemeindetyp

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • moving-statistics
    • table
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
    • register-based-surveys
  • Umzugsquote der ständigen Wohnbevölkerung nach Bauperiode, Anzahl Zimmer und Flächenklasse

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • register-based-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • table
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • moving-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Anzahl Zimmer und Differenz der Anzahl Zimmer

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • moving-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Nationalität und Differenz der Anzahl Zimmer

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Altersklasse und Distanz des Umzugs

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 18, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • construction-and-housing
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Nationalität und Distanz des Umzugs

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: March 10, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • construction-and-housing
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • table
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Gebäudekategorie und Anzahl Wohnungen im Gebäude

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: March 10, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • register-based-surveys
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • construction-and-housing
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • table
  • Umgezogene Personen nach Altersklasse und Distanz des Umzugs

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: March 10, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • table
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • construction-and-housing
    • register-based-surveys
  • Last updated: March 10, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • register-based-surveys
    • woman
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys
    • table
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • construction-and-housing
    • moving-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • man
    • gender
  • Umzugsquote der ständigen Wohnbevölkerung nach Gemeindetyp

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: March 10, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • moving-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • construction-and-housing
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • buildings-and-dwellings-statistic-since-2009
    • register-based-and-sample-surveys