The FSO is Switzerland's national competence centre for official statistics. It produces and publishes statistical information on the status and development of the population, economy, society, education, research, territory and the environment. This information is used for opinion building among the population and for the planning and management of key policy areas. They make an important contribution to a modern, democratic state.

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19 datasets found

  • Bevölkerungsdaten im europäischen Vergleich

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 29, 2016

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population
    • population-scenarios
    • summary-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • scenarios
    • vital-statistics
    • sustainable-development-regional-and-international-disparities
    • federal-population-census-1850-2000
    • table
  • Lebenserwartung, 2000-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 25, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population
  • Key population figures, 1950-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • register-based-surveys
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • summary-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • population
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
  • Permanent resident population by age, category of citizenship and sex, 1999-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • summary-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • table
    • population
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • register-based-surveys
  • Lebendgeburten nach Staatsangehörigkeit, Geschlecht des Kindes und Zivilstand der Mutter - Mehrlingsgeburten, 1960-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • population
    • summary-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • complete-enumeration-survey
  • Lebendgeburten nach Alter der Mutter und zusammengefasste Geburtenziffer, 1960-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • table
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • population
  • Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung nach Staatsangehörigkeit und Region (städtisch/ländlich), 1999-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • register-based-surveys
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • summary-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • population
  • Bevölkerungsdaten im europäischen Vergleich, 1981-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • vital-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • table
    • sustainable-development-regional-and-international-disparities
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • population
  • Natürliche Bevölkerungsbewegung, nach Kanton und Stadt, 1999-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • population
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • table
  • Erwerb des Schweizer Bürgerrechts nach Geschlecht, Zivilstand, Alter und Anwesenheitsdauer, 1992-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • population
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
  • Lebendgeburten, nach Kanton und Stadt, 1990-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • register-based-surveys
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • summary-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • table
    • population
    • vital-statistics
  • Todesfälle nach Geschlecht, Alter und Zivilstand, 1960-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • table
    • register-based-surveys
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • population
    • vital-statistics
    • summary-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
  • Scheidungen nach Kanton und Stadt, 1990-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • population
    • table
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population-and-households-statistics
  • Lebendgeburten nach Alter der Mutter, nach Kanton und Stadt, 1999-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • table
    • summary-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
  • Todesfälle, nach Kanton und Stadt, 1990-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • table
    • population
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • summary-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • vital-statistics
  • Heiraten nach Kanton und Stadt, 1990-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • table
    • vital-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • population
    • summary-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • register-based-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
  • Heiraten nach Alter und zusammengefasste Heiratsziffer, 1960-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • vital-statistics
    • population
  • Scheidungen, Trennungen und Ungültigerklärungen, 1960-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • population
    • vital-statistics
    • table
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • complete-enumeration-survey
  • Scheidungen nach Ehedauer und zusammengefasste Scheidungsziffer, 1960-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 30, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • summary-statistics
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population
    • table
    • vital-statistics
    • register-based-surveys