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2 datasets found

  • Goats - Stillbirths by type of use

    Identitas AG

    Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by type of use of the dam (dairy goats or other goats > 1-yr) and by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths). Literature.

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • CSV
    • stillbirths
    • population-trends
    • livestock
    • goats
    • type-of-use
  • Goats - Stillbirths by type of use and sex

    Identitas AG

    Rate and absolute number of stillbirths by sex and type of use of the dam (dairy goats or other goats > 1-yr) and by total number of births (live births plus stillbirths)....

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • CSV
    • goats
    • population-trends
    • sex
    • livestock
    • stillbirths
    • type-of-use