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4 datasets found

  • Main languages by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the main languages in Switzerland by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA, other European state, state outside Europe), age,...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • HTML
    • ODS
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    • table
    • structural-survey
    • woman
    • gender
    • man
    • sample-surveys
    • population
  • Languages spoken at home by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the languages spoken at work by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA), other European state, state outside Europe), age, migration...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • HTML
    • CSV
    • ODS
    • sample-surveys
    • woman
    • gender
    • table
    • population
    • structural-survey
    • man
  • Languages spoken at work by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the languages spoken at work by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA, other European state, state outside Europe), age, migration...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • HTML
    • ODS
    • CSV
    • structural-survey
    • gender
    • sample-surveys
    • table
    • man
    • woman
    • population
  • Religious affiliation by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the religious affiliation by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA, other European state, state outside Europe), age, migration...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • ODS
    • HTML
    • CSV
    • sample-surveys
    • man
    • table
    • woman
    • population
    • gender
    • structural-survey