5 datasets found

  • Main languages by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the main languages in Switzerland by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA, other European state, state outside Europe), age,...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • HTML
    • ODS
    • CSV
    • table
    • structural-survey
    • woman
    • gender
    • man
    • sample-surveys
    • population
  • Languages spoken at home by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the languages spoken at work by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA), other European state, state outside Europe), age, migration...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • HTML
    • CSV
    • ODS
    • sample-surveys
    • woman
    • gender
    • table
    • population
    • structural-survey
    • man
  • Languages spoken at work by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the languages spoken at work by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA, other European state, state outside Europe), age, migration...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • HTML
    • ODS
    • CSV
    • structural-survey
    • gender
    • sample-surveys
    • table
    • man
    • woman
    • population
  • Religious affiliation by various socio-demographic characteristics in Switzerland

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents the annual figures for the religious affiliation by gender, nationality (Switzerland, EU/EFTA, other European state, state outside Europe), age, migration...

    Last updated: January 24, 2022

    • ODS
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    • CSV
    • sample-surveys
    • man
    • table
    • woman
    • population
    • gender
    • structural-survey
  • Teleheimarbeit

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Population and society

    Dieser Dataset präsentiert die jährlichen Zahlen des hauptsächlichen Arbeitsortes und der Häufigkeit der Heimarbeit ohne Telearbeit sowie die jährlichen Zahlen der Häufigkeit der...

    Last updated: May 19, 2022

    • CSV
    • HTML
    • ODS
    • gender
    • table
    • sample-surveys
    • population
    • man
    • woman
    • swiss-labour-force-survey
    • culture-media-information-society-sports
    • work-and-income