29 datasets found

  • Foreign cross-border commuters by commune of work and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by commune of work and sex, since 1996.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • work-and-income
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • summary-statistics
    • table
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, country of residence and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, country of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • table
    • summary-statistics
    • work-and-income
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, country of residence, economic division and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters living in France by canton of work, department of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • economic-data-fso
  • Foreign cross-border commuter by canton of work, employment status, duration of work permit and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, employment status (employee, self-employed), duration of work permit (more or less than...

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • work-and-income
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
  • Foreign cross-border commuters living in France by canton of work, department of residence and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters living in Germany by canton of work, Landkreis of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • table
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by employment status and economic division

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by employment status (employee, self-employed) and economic division, since 2002.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • work-and-income
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
  • Foreign cross-border commuters living in Germany by canton of work, Landkreis of residence and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters living in Germany by canton of work, Landkreis of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • table
    • work-and-income
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • summary-statistics
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, age class and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, age class and sex, since 1999.

    Last updated: November 3, 2022

    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • table
  • Labour market indicators for 2021. Comments on findings for the period 2015-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: August 10, 2021

    • PDF
    • HTML
    • swiss-earnings-structure-survey
    • labour-market-accounts
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • wage-agreements-survey
    • unemployment-statistics-seco-based
    • unemployment-statistics-ilo-based
    • sample-surveys
    • fringe-benefits
    • reconciliation-between-work-and-family-life-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • unpaid-work-the-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • labour-cost-structural-statistics
    • projects
    • work-volume-statistics
    • swiss-labour-force-survey
    • swiss-wage-index
    • survey-on-collective-labour-agreements-in-switzerland
    • household-production-satellite-account
    • statistics-on-normal-workweek-in-companies
    • industry-and-services
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • publication
    • work-and-income
    • unemployment-insurance-statistics
    • social-protection-and-labour-market
    • survey-on-collective-labor-conflicts
    • summary-statistics
    • employment-statistics
  • Arbeitsmarktindikatoren 2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    Die vorliegende Publikation soll eine Orientierungshilfe im breiten Feld der Arbeitsmarktdaten bieten. Die Informationen sind so gegliedert, dass ein Gesamtüberblick über den...

    Last updated: August 10, 2021

    • PDF
    • HTML
    • employment-statistics
    • wage-agreements-survey
    • unemployment-statistics-seco-based
    • statistics-on-normal-workweek-in-companies
    • unemployment-statistics-ilo-based
    • swiss-earnings-structure-survey
    • publication
    • survey-on-collective-labor-conflicts
    • swiss-wage-index
    • projects
    • household-production-satellite-account
    • labour-market-accounts
    • industry-and-services
    • labour-cost-structural-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • sample-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • survey-on-collective-labour-agreements-in-switzerland
    • unpaid-work-the-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • work-volume-statistics
    • swiss-labour-force-survey
    • social-protection-and-labour-market
    • reconciliation-between-work-and-family-life-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • fringe-benefits
  • Labour market indicators for 2020. Comments on findings for the period 2014-2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: August 11, 2020

    • PDF
    • HTML
    • work-volume-statistics
    • unemployment-statistics-seco-based
    • fringe-benefits
    • projects
    • industry-and-services
    • unemployment-insurance-statistics
    • labour-cost-structural-statistics
    • unpaid-work-the-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • statistics-on-normal-workweek-in-companies
    • labour-market-accounts
    • social-protection-and-labour-market
    • survey-on-collective-labour-agreements-in-switzerland
    • swiss-wage-index
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • publication
    • swiss-earnings-structure-survey
    • employment-statistics
    • wage-agreements-survey
    • sample-surveys
    • reconciliation-between-work-and-family-life-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • survey-on-collective-labor-conflicts
    • summary-statistics
    • unemployment-statistics-ilo-based
    • household-production-satellite-account
    • swiss-labour-force-survey
    • work-and-income
    • complete-enumeration-survey
  • Arbeitsmarktindikatoren 2020

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    Die vorliegende Publikation soll eine Orientierungshilfe im breiten Feld der Arbeitsmarktdaten bieten. Die Informationen sind so gegliedert, dass ein Gesamtüberblick über den...

    Last updated: August 11, 2020

    • HTML
    • PDF
    • swiss-earnings-structure-survey
    • statistics-on-normal-workweek-in-companies
    • social-protection-and-labour-market
    • unpaid-work-the-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • survey-on-collective-labour-agreements-in-switzerland
    • labour-market-accounts
    • labour-cost-structural-statistics
    • employment-statistics
    • fringe-benefits
    • unemployment-statistics-seco-based
    • industry-and-services
    • projects
    • work-volume-statistics
    • swiss-wage-index
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • household-production-satellite-account
    • swiss-labour-force-survey
    • reconciliation-between-work-and-family-life-module-in-the-swiss-labour-force-survey-slfs
    • work-and-income
    • survey-on-collective-labor-conflicts
    • summary-statistics
    • unemployment-statistics-ilo-based
    • wage-agreements-survey
    • sample-surveys
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • publication
  • Last updated: November 12, 2020

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • swiss-labour-force-survey
    • summary-statistics
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • sample-surveys
    • work-and-income
    • table
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, country of residence and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, country of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • table
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • summary-statistics
    • work-and-income
  • Foreign cross-border commuter by canton of work, employment status, duration of work permit and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, employment status (employee, self-employed), duration of work permit (more or less than...

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • table
    • work-and-income
    • summary-statistics
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, country of residence, economic division and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters living in France by canton of work, department of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • economic-data-fso
    • table
    • work-and-income
    • summary-statistics
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by employment status and economic division

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by employment status (employee, self-employed) and economic division, since 2002.

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • table
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, age class and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by canton of work, age class and sex, since 1999.

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • table
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • summary-statistics
    • work-and-income
  • Foreign cross-border commuters living in Germany by canton of work, Landkreis of residence and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters living in Germany by canton of work, Landkreis of residence and sex, since 3rd quarter 2002.

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • table
  • Foreign cross-border commuters by commune of work and sex

    Federal Statistical Office FSO
    Economy and finance

    This dataset presents quarterly data on foreign cross-border commuters by commune of work and sex, since 1996.

    Last updated: February 22, 2022

    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • work-and-income
    • cross-border-commuters-statistics
    • table