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11 datasets found

  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    Die Schweizer Berufsnomenklatur CH-ISCO-19 übernimmt die vier ersten Ebenen der Internationalen Standardklassifikation der Berufe ISCO-08 (ISCO = International Standard...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market
  • Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 v1.1

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The Swiss Standard Classification of Occupations CH-ISCO-19 continues to use the first four levels of the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 and includes...

    Last updated: October 18, 2019

    • XLS
    • professions
    • work-and-income
    • isco
    • classification-of-occupations
    • labour-market