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4 datasets found

  • Cats - Imports by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of cat imports by breed (includes notifications from Liechtenstein). The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading...

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • CSV
    • cats
    • imports
    • breeds
    • companion-animals
  • Equids - Imports by equid types

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified imports of equids by equid types.

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • CSV
    • equids
    • imports
    • livestock
    • breeds
    • traceability
    • companion-animals
  • Dogs - Imports by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of dog imports by breed (includes notifications from Liechtenstein). The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available on download...

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • CSV
    • dogs
    • companion-animals
    • breeds
    • imports
  • Equids - Imports by breed

    Identitas AG

    Number of notified imports of equids by breed. The evolution of the largest populations is presented. The complete list is available when downloading the data (.csv).

    Last updated: April 22, 2024

    • CSV
    • traceability
    • companion-animals
    • equids
    • breeds
    • livestock
    • imports