7 datasets found

  • Heiraten nach Alter und zusammengefasste Heiratsziffer, 1960-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • population
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • register-based-surveys
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • summary-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • vital-statistics
    • gender
    • table
    • woman
    • man
  • Lebenserwartung, 2000-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • man
    • vital-statistics
    • gender
    • table
    • summary-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • woman
    • register-based-surveys
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population
  • Key population figures, 1950-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • woman
    • gender
    • register-based-surveys
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • population
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • vital-statistics
    • man
    • summary-statistics
  • Todesfälle nach Geschlecht, Alter und Zivilstand, 1960-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • woman
    • summary-statistics
    • register-based-surveys
    • vital-statistics
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • man
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • table
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • population
    • gender
  • Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • woman
    • register-based-surveys
    • summary-statistics
    • population
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • gender
    • man
    • table
  • Bevölkerungsdaten im europäischen Vergleich, 1981-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • gender
    • register-based-surveys
    • sustainable-development-regional-and-international-disparities
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • table
    • woman
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • population
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • man
    • summary-statistics
  • Permanent resident population by age, category of citizenship and sex, 1999-2021

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: September 26, 2022

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • woman
    • gender
    • register-based-surveys
    • table
    • population-and-households-statistics
    • vital-statistics
    • population
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • annual-population-statistics-1981-2010
    • man
    • summary-statistics