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171 datasets found

  • Public transport stops

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The basic geo-data set for public transport stops comprises public transport stops in Switzerland and additional selected geo-referenced public transport locations that are of...

    Last updated: December 12, 2015

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • RDF XML
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Railway network

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The “railway network” basic data set depicts the network of railbound transport under federal supervision in Switzerland. It includes standard-gauge and narrow-gauge lines of...

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • railway-track
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • railway
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Existence of rail freight traffic systems as per the concept for freight transport by rail

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The concept for freight transport by rail is a concept in accordance with Art. 3 of the Swiss Goods Carriage Act (GCarA, SR 742.41) and Art. 13 of the Swiss Spatial Planning Act...

    Last updated: September 15, 2017

    • WMS
    • API
    • freight-transport
    • rail-traffic
    • transport
    • planning
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Cataster of polluted sites in the area of public transport (CPS FOT)

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Environment

    A publicly available register of the polluted sites in the area of public transport. The register provides information about the polluted sites (in accordance with the Contaminated...

    Last updated: January 1, 2013

    • WMS
    • API
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • station
    • railway
    • old-hazardous-site
    • public-transport
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Flood alert map for small catchments

    Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The FOEN also issues information when a sharp rise in small and medium-sized river levels is expected locally. In these cases, it is impossible to say precisely which rivers will...

    Last updated: November 5, 2014

    • WMS
    • ZIP
    • water-geographic
    • lake
    • water-science
    • natural-risk
    • flowing-water
    • flood
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 3G mobile telecom networks (UMTS) – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of 3G mobile telecom antennas (UMTS) with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • antenna
    • mobile-telephony
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 5G mobile telecom networks (NR) – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of 5G mobile telecom antennas with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • antenna
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • mobile-telephony
    • official-geodata
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 4G mobile telecom networks (LTE) – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of 4G mobile telecom antennas (LTE) with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • mobile-telephony
    • official-geodata
    • antenna
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 2G (GSM) mobile telecom networks – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of mobile telecom antennas (GSM) with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • mobile-telephony
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • antenna
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Course of historical routes of national importance without substance

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The course of historical routes of national importance is supplementary information for the federal inventory. It shows historical routes of national importance with no or little...

    Last updated: July 12, 2007

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • human-powered-mobility
    • historic-traffic-route
    • e-geoch
    • transport-networks
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Federal inventory of historical routes in Switzerland, elements of landscape

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The elements of landscape form part of the inventory map, regardless of the classification (national, regional, local). They indicate objects such as milestones, crossroads,...

    Last updated: July 12, 2007

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • historic-traffic-route
    • human-powered-mobility
    • e-geoch
    • transport-networks
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Federal inventory of historical routes in Switzerland, boundaries

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The boundaries form part of the inventory map, regardless of the classification (national, regional, local). On the map the boundaries mark the beginning and end of a section (of a...

    Last updated: July 12, 2007

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • human-powered-mobility
    • historic-traffic-route
    • federal-inventory
    • e-geoch
    • national-inventory
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • transport-networks
  • Inventory of historical routes in Switzerland of regional and local importance

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The inventory of historical routes in Switzerland (IHR) contains comprehensive information about the course of the historical routes, their history, their condition and their...

    Last updated: July 1, 2010

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • API
    • historic-traffic-route
    • human-powered-mobility
    • e-geoch
    • transport-networks
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Federal inventory of historical routes in Switzerland, terrain map

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The terrain map forms the cartographical basis of the first version of the inventory. It contains supplementary information about the objects specified in Article 3 of the...

    Last updated: July 12, 2007

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • human-powered-mobility
    • historic-traffic-route
    • e-geoch
    • transport-networks
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Sector plan on transport, road infrastructure section (SIN)

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The road infrastructure section of the sector plan on transport (SIN) coordinates the road infrastructure which is relevant to the sectoral plan and which falls within the sphere...

    Last updated: June 27, 2018

    • WMS
    • API
    • transport-networks
    • transport
    • road
    • motorway
    • sectoral-plan
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • official-geodata
  • Closures / Diversions "Mountain Biking in Switzerland"

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The dataset contains trail closures and detours on the routes of "Mountain biking in Switzerland" of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, which have been announced to...

    Last updated: July 1, 2020

    • WMS
    • API
    • path
    • blocking
    • mountain-bike
    • bike
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • cycleway
    • human-powered-mobility
    • tourism
    • physical-planning
  • Closures / Diversions "Cycling in Switzerland"

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The dataset contains trail closures and detours on the routes of "Cycling in Switzerland" of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, which have been announced to...

    Last updated: July 1, 2020

    • WMS
    • API
    • blocking
    • bike
    • path
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • cycleway
    • human-powered-mobility
    • tourism
    • physical-planning
  • Closures / Diversions "Skating in Switzerland"

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The dataset contains trail closures and detours on the routes of "Skating in Switzerland" of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, which have been announced to the...

    Last updated: July 1, 2020

    • WMS
    • API
    • blocking
    • path
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • skating
    • human-powered-mobility
    • tourism
    • physical-planning
  • Building lines for motorways

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The dataset of building lines for motorways contains information about the location and authorisation status of building lines along motorways. Building lines meet the needs of...

    Last updated: June 1, 2018

    • WMS
    • API
    • motorway
    • building-line
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Closures / Diversions Hiking trails and "Hiking in Switzerland"

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Transport

    The dataset contains trail closures and detours on the hiking trail network and the routes of "Hiking in Switzerland" of Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, which...

    Last updated: July 1, 2020

    • WMS
    • API
    • human-powered-mobility
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • path
    • path
    • tourism
    • tourism
    • physical-planning
    • hiking-trail
    • hiking-trail