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367 datasets found

  • Kosten des Gesundheitswesens nach Leistungen

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 27, 2016

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    • table
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
    • health
    • summary-statistics
  • Hospitalisierungsrate nach Krankenhaustyp und Wohnkanton der Patienten

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: November 25, 2016

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    • health
    • table
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • hospital-statistics
  • Sterbefälle und Sterbeziffern wichtiger Todesursachen, nach Alter, Männer

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: June 23, 2016

    • HTML
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    • health
    • cause-of-death-and-stillbirth-statistics
    • table
    • complete-enumeration-survey
  • Hospitalisierungsrate nach Krankenhaustyp und Wohnkanton der Patienten

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: March 23, 2017

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    • hospital-statistics
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • health
    • table
  • COVID_19 Abwassermonitoring im Kanton Zürich ab 30.05.2021

    Gesundheitsdirektion Kanton Zürich

    Dreimal wöchentliche SARS-CoV-2-RNA-Messungen aus Proben von zwölf über den Kanton Zürich verteilten Abwasserreinigungsanlagen (ARA). Die analysierten Werte werden jeweils einige...

    Last updated: December 31, 9999

    • CSV
  • COVID-19 Switzerland

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    Informationen zur aktuellen Lage

    Last updated: January 22, 2021

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    • JSON
    • CSV
    • covid-19
    • foph
  • SwissCovid App Monitoring

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    The purpose of the SwissCovid app is to stop COVID-19 from spreading further and to identify any possible second wave in good time in order to tackle it more effectively. The app...

    Last updated: July 20, 2020

    • CSV
  • Key data on Swiss hospitals 2012

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The eighth edition of the publication «Key data on Swiss hospitals» again contains data for every hospital. Article 22a of the Health Insurance Act, which came into force on 1...

    Last updated: September 26, 2013

    • PDF
    • XLS
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • hospital-statistics
    • hospitals
    • key-figures
  • Key data on Swiss hospitals 2011

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The seventh edition of the publication «Key data on Swiss hospitals» again contains data for every hospital. Article 22a of the Health Insurance Act, which came into force on 1...

    Last updated: September 26, 2013

    • PDF
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    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • hospital-statistics
    • hospitals
    • key-figures
  • Key data on Swiss hospitals 2010

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    The sixth edition of the publication «Key data on Swiss hospitals» again contains data for every hospital. Article 22a of the Health Insurance Act, which came into force on 1...

    Last updated: September 26, 2013

    • PDF
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    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • foph
    • health-insurance-act
    • hospital-statistics
    • hospitals
    • key-figures
  • Statistics on compulsory health insurance

    Federal Office of Public Health FOPH

    This section provides information regarding publications on compulsory health insurance.

    Last updated: March 14, 2022

    • XLS
    • health
    • insurance
  • Key data on Swiss hospitals 2020

    Geschäftsstelle OGD

    The sixteenth edition of the publication «Key figures for Swiss hospitals», published by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), contains like the previous version data for...

    Last updated: March 18, 2022

    • XLS
    • PDF
    • kex-figures
    • federal-office-of-public-health
    • health-insurance-act
    • hospital-statistics
    • foph
    • hospital-data
    • hospitals
  • Weekly number of deaths, 2020-2022

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: April 5, 2022

    • HTML
    • CSV
    • complete-enumeration-survey
    • cause-of-death-and-stillbirth-statistics
    • health
    • table
  • Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens nach Quellen

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • health
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
  • Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens nach Regimes und nach Quellen

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • table
    • summary-statistics
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
    • health
  • Kosten des Gesundheitswesens nach Leistungen

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • HTML
    • XLS
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
    • table
    • health
    • summary-statistics
  • Kosten des Gesundheitswesens nach Leistungserbringern

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • summary-statistics
    • health
    • table
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
  • Kosten und Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens seit 1960

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • XLS
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    • health
    • summary-statistics
    • table
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
  • Kosten des Gesundheitswesens nach Leistungserbringern und Finanzierungsregimes

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    This dataset has no description

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • XLS
    • HTML
    • table
    • summary-statistics
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
    • health
  • Kosten und Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens nach Leistungserbringer, Leistung und Finanzierungsregime

    Federal Statistical Office FSO

    Dieser Dataset präsentiert die jährlichen Zahlen der Kosten und Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens nach Leistungserbringer, Typ der Leistung und Finanzierungsregime, ab 1960.

    Last updated: October 28, 2021

    • HTML
    • table
    • statistic-on-the-costs-and-financing-of-the-health-system
    • health
    • summary-statistics