Swissbib è il catalogo delle Biblioteche universitarie svizzere e della Biblioteca nazionale svizzera.

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3 dataset trovati

  • Inventory of Research Libraries in Switzerland

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    The inventory contains all institutions which are included in the Swissbib library meta-catalogue. It comprises ca. 900 institutions with name, address, codes, URLs, etc. and is...

    Ultimo aggiornamento: marzo 16,2016

    • JSON
    • glam
    • openglam
  • Linked Swissbib (contents from Swiss libraries as Linked Open Data)

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    Swissbib gathers metadata from more than 900 libraries in Switzerland and therefore contains the description of more than 25 million documents. The metadata describing these...

    Ultimo aggiornamento: settembre 11,2017

  • Bibliographic Data from Swiss libraries, archives and other institutions

    Istruzione, cultura e sport

    With over 21 million records, swissbib offers access to the collections of more than 900 libraries, archives and other institutions from all regions of Switzerland under one...

    Ultimo aggiornamento: luglio 22,2017

    • glam
    • openglam