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1'368 Datensätze gefunden

  • Backward Trajectories

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Backward trajectories were calculated from two positions: Davos Wolfgang (LON: 9.85361, LAT: 46.83551) and Weissfluhjoch (LON: 9.80646 LAT: 46.83304) for the time period February 2...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. März 2020

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  • Preprocessing Antarctic Weather Station (AWS) data in python

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    There are many sources providing atmospheric weather station data for the Antarctic continent. However, variable naming, timestamps and data types are highly variable between the...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 12. August 2022

  • Avalanche fatalities in the European Alps (1969/1970 - 2014/2015)

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    During the last 45 years, about 100 people lost their lives in avalanches in the European Alps each year. Avalanche fatalities in settlements and on transportation corridors have...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. November 2020

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  • Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980-2099 derived from the 50 member CRCM5-LE

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset contains the Fire Weather Index for Hydrological Bavaria from 1980 - 2099 as stated in the paper "Climate change impacts on regional fire weather in heterogeneous...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 22. Dezember 2023

  • Phosphorus and nitrogen leaching from beech forest soils

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Data on dissolved organic and inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations in leachates and their corresponding fluxes from the litter layer, the Oe/Oa horizon, and the A...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 14. Juli 2021

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  • Photogrammetric Drone Data Wolfgang Arelen

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    We conducted four drone flights in Davos Wolfgang Arelen, in 2020/21 and 2022 to obtain data for the generation of DSMs and orthomosaics at a high resolution. The data was...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 22. Februar 2023

  • FSM2trans snowpack simulations with HICAR input

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    DESCRIPTION The dataset is used to run snowpack simulations with various forcing data at different resolutions with the Flexible Snow Model (FSM2oshd). A dynamical downscaling...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 29. Mai 2024

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  • Land use projections and services for Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Data and scripts of publication:

    Madleina Gerecke, Oskar Hagen, Janine Bolliger, Anna M. Hersperger, Felix Kienast, Bronwyn Price, Loïc Pellissier (2019) Assessing potential...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27. September 2023

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  • Data on wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity in Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Raw data supporting the paper "Countrywide wild bee taxonomic and functional diversity reveal a spatial mismatch between alpha and beta-diversity facets across multiple ecological...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 20. März 2024

  • ASRB_WFJVF: Shortwave and longwave radiation measurements (2 min) at the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Incoming and outgoing shortwave and longwave 2 min radiation measurements at the Weissfluhjoch research site, Davos, CH. The experimental site at the Weissfluhjoch (WFJ, 46.83 N,...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 28. Mai 2024

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  • Compressive stick slip and snow-micro-quakes

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    When snow is compressed with a certain speed, micro-snowquakes are triggered in the porous structure of bonded crystals. The present dataset covers uniaxial compression experiments...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 5. Februar 2020

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  • Seilaplan Tutorial: Load WMS layers as background maps

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    In order to digitally plan a cable line using the QGIS plugin ‘Seilaplan’, maps with various background information are helpful. In this tutorial we show you how to obtain maps...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 30. August 2022

  • Bibliography of the long-term treeline research site Stillberg, Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Background information

    The Stillberg ecological treeline research site in the Swiss Alps was established in 1975, with the aim to develop ecologically, technically, and...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 19. Oktober 2023

  • Meteorological data for investigation of rain-on-snow events in 58 catchments in Switzerland

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Meteorological data used to run SNOWPACK for 58 catchments in the Swiss Alps. The data consists of a 2 km grid of "virtual meteorological stations" for each catchment. It was used...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 24. März 2022

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  • Drivers of the microbial metabolic quotient across global grasslands

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset contains all data on which the following publication below is based.

    Paper Citation:

    Risch Anita C., Zimmermann, Stefan, Schütz, Martin, Borer, Elizabeth T.,...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. Februar 2023

  • Data of national dishes, their similarity and trade flows

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    The data described in this article were collected daily over the period 4 June 2018 to 23 August 2018 and contains information of several data sources. The database includes...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 25. Januar 2022

  • SnowMicroPen measurements and manual snowpits from Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    SnowMicroPen (SMP) measurements and manual snowpits from Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica. Measurements were taken in the vicinity of the Belgium Princess Elisabeth Station...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 21. Juni 2022

  • Bettlachstock, Switzerland: Long-term forest meteorological data from the Long-term Forest Ecosystem Research Programme (LWF), from 1997 onwards

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    High quality meteorological data are needed for long-term forest ecosystem research, particularly in the light of global change. The long-term data series published here comprises...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Dezember 2019

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  • Soil respiration - exclosure experiment

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    Location of data collection The Swiss National Park (SNP) is located in the southeastern part of Switzerland, and covers an area of 170 km2, 50 km2 of which is forested, 33 km2 is...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 3. Dezember 2019

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  • DISCHMEX - Impact of extreme land-surface heterogeneity on micrometeorology over spring snow-cover

    EnviDat: das Umwelt-Datenportal
    Bildung, Kultur und Sport

    This dataset contains eddy-covariance measurements in the ablation period of 2014-2016. Measurements were taken from two turbulence towers over a long-lasting snow patch, which are...

    Zuletzt aktualisiert: 13. September 2023

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