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24 jeux de données trouvés

  • Biogas aus Hofdünger in der Schweiz

    Éducation, culture et sport

    Ziel dieses Whitepapers ist es, Entscheidungsträgern, Verwaltungen und Stakeholdern die aktuellsten Forschungsergebnisse zur Verfügung zu stellen, um die optimale Nutzung von...

    Dernière mise à jour: 4 novembre 2021

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  • Biogas from animal manure in Switzerland

    Éducation, culture et sport

    Aim of this white paper is to provide decision-makers, administrations and stakeholders with the most current research findings in order to promote the optimal use of bioenergy...

    Dernière mise à jour: 3 novembre 2021

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  • Dataset on Cosmo-1 based Energy Potential in Swiss Alps

    Éducation, culture et sport

    This dataset consist of simulated hourly power production from an Enercon E82 Turbine at 100 m hub-height. It describes the hourly power output a 1MW turbine would produce in each...

    Dernière mise à jour: 27 septembre 2018

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  • Energy Cooperatives in Switzerland: Survey Results // Energiegenossenschaften in der Schweiz: Befragungsergebnisse

    Éducation, culture et sport

    Topic of Survey The data at hand on energy cooperatives in Switzerland were collected in 2016 as part of the project "Collective financing of renewable energy projects in...

    Dernière mise à jour: 28 février 2019

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