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110 datasets found

  • Existence of rail freight traffic systems as per the concept for freight transport by rail

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The concept for freight transport by rail is a concept in accordance with Art. 3 of the Swiss Goods Carriage Act (GCarA, SR 742.41) and Art. 13 of the Swiss Spatial Planning Act...

    Last updated: September 15, 2017

    • WMS
    • API
    • freight-transport
    • rail-traffic
    • transport
    • planning
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Sector plan on transport, navigation infrastructure section (SIF)

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The rail infrastructure section of the sector plan on transport (SIS) coordinates the navigation infrastructure which is relevant to the sectoral plan and which falls within the...

    Last updated: December 4, 2015

    • WMS
    • ZIP
    • HTML
    • API
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • transport-networks
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Copy of record Landsat Mosaic of Switzerland created at 2023-04-24T12:38:19.254Z[Etc/UTC]

    Test Organisation
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The mosaic of Landsat satellite images is a composition of 20 individual images taken by the American satellite Landsat 5, in the years 1990 to 1994. It is a unique set of image...

    Last updated: January 1, 1999

    • ZIP
    • WMS
    • geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • satellite-image
    • orthoimagery
  • Cataster of polluted sites in the area of public transport (CPS FOT)

    Federal Office of Transport FOT
    Regions and cities, Environment

    A publicly available register of the polluted sites in the area of public transport. The register provides information about the polluted sites (in accordance with the Contaminated...

    Last updated: January 1, 2013

    • WMS
    • API
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • station
    • railway
    • old-hazardous-site
    • public-transport
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Alpine Convention

    Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The perimeters of the Alpine Convention in Switzerland. The Alpine Convention is an international treaty between the eight Alpine countries: Germany, France, Italy, Liechtenstein,...

    Last updated: January 1, 2009

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • HTML
    • API
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • e-geoch
    • sustainable-development
    • physical-planning
    • mountain-protection
    • soil-conservation
    • environmental-policy
    • environmental-policy
    • transport
    • transport
    • transport
    • environmental-monitoring-facilities
    • administrative-units
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Official index of cities and towns including postal codes and perimeter

    Regions and cities, Environment

    In Article 24 of the regulations governing geographic names (GeoNV), the Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo) is commissioned to establish, administer and publish the new...

    Last updated: February 28, 2022

    • ZIP
    • HTML
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • e-geoch
    • administrative-units
    • place
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • cadastral-surveying
    • addresses
    • post-code
  • 3G mobile telecom networks (UMTS) – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of 3G mobile telecom antennas (UMTS) with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • antenna
    • mobile-telephony
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 5G mobile telecom networks (NR) – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of 5G mobile telecom antennas with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • antenna
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • mobile-telephony
    • official-geodata
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 4G mobile telecom networks (LTE) – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of 4G mobile telecom antennas (LTE) with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • mobile-telephony
    • official-geodata
    • antenna
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Swiss radio and TV broadcasters

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of radio and TV transmitter stations (VHF, DAB, TV, DVB-T). Indication with specification of transmitter power and stations/frequencies/channels (for...

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • HTML
    • API
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • antenna
    • official-geodata
    • television
    • radio
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • 2G (GSM) mobile telecom networks – antenna locations

    Federal Office of Communications OFCOM
    Education, culture and sport, Energy, Regions and cities, Environment

    Location and representation of mobile telecom antennas (GSM) with their different transmitting powers.

    Last updated: January 1, 2014

    • WMS
    • mobile-telephony
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • antenna
    • utility-and-governmental-services
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Sector plan on transport, road infrastructure section (SIN)

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    The road infrastructure section of the sector plan on transport (SIN) coordinates the road infrastructure which is relevant to the sectoral plan and which falls within the sphere...

    Last updated: June 27, 2018

    • WMS
    • API
    • transport-networks
    • transport
    • road
    • motorway
    • sectoral-plan
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
    • official-geodata
  • Building lines for motorways

    Federal Roads Office FEDRO
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The dataset of building lines for motorways contains information about the location and authorisation status of building lines along motorways. Building lines meet the needs of...

    Last updated: June 1, 2018

    • WMS
    • API
    • motorway
    • building-line
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Aeromagnetic Map of the Swiss Plateau and the Jura Mountains

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    The overall magnetisation of a rock consists of induced magnetisation caused by the Earth's magnetic field and of remanent magnetisation acquired by the rock during its formation....

    Last updated: January 1, 1983

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • geophysical-map
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • magnetism
    • geophysics
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Height control points HFP1 (National Survey)

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    All spatial data is based on measurement points. It is recommended to use the so-called fixed control points for all technical works which need reliable and accurate position...

    Last updated: September 20, 2007

    • WMS
    • API
    • HTML
    • reference-frame
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • coordinate
    • official-geodata
    • national-survey
    • national-coordinates
    • geodesy
    • elevation
    • coordinate-reference-systems
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Total Intensity Map of Switzerland 1:500000

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Geomagnetic maps are the result of measurements of total intensity, declination and inclination. The geomagnetic field is defined by a vector, which isrepresented in terms of its...

    Last updated: December 31, 1979

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • geophysical-map
    • e-geoch
    • geophysics
    • magnetism
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Inclination Map of Switzerland 1:500000

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Geomagnetic maps are the result of measurements of total intensity, declination and inclination. The inclination is the angle formed by the orientation of the magnetic field...

    Last updated: January 1, 1979

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • geophysical-map
    • e-geoch
    • official-geodata
    • magnetism
    • geophysics
    • geology
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • Planimetric control Points LFP1 (National Survey)

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    All spatial data is based on measurement points. It is recommended to use the so-called fixed control points for all technical works which need reliable and accurate position...

    Last updated: September 20, 2007

    • WMS
    • API
    • HTML
    • coordinate
    • reference-frame
    • national-survey
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • national-coordinates
    • geodesy
    • elevation
    • coordinate-reference-systems
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • General Geological Map of Switzerland 1:200,000

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment

    Geological mapping of the whole country based on the Dufour Map of Switzerland. Comprised of eight sheets, published between 1942 and 1964, the General Geological Map of...

    Last updated: December 31, 1964

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • ZIP
    • historic-map
    • geologic-map
    • official-geodata
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • geology
    • earth-science
    • sedimentation-geology
    • stone
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure
  • swissTLM3D Railway

    Federal Office of Topography swisstopo
    Regions and cities, Environment, Transport

    swissTLM3D Railway contains the path of the railways with narrow-gauge and standard gauge. All tracks are captured in the sections with multiple tracks and in the areas of a...

    Last updated: March 6, 2024

    • WMS
    • WMTS
    • API
    • landscape-model
    • traffic-network
    • gis-geographic-information-system
    • conservation-and-archiving-planning-aap---confederation
    • official-geodata
    • single-object
    • transport-networks
    • geographical-names
    • fsdi-federal-spatial-data-infrastructure